Everything You Need To Know About A Non-Surgical Nose Job – Dr Sibthorpe featured in Sheerluxe
How does the treatment work?
Dr. Richard Sibthorpe, leading medical practitioner, confirms: “Each treatment is personalised and tailored to address patients’ specific concerns. A plan and best dermal filler are chosen to correct deformities and Botox is also used to adjust the tip of the nose, if needed – you’ll see results immediately.”
Why do you think treatments like this are becoming commonplace?
“Of course, you have social media promoting treatments like this, but it’s also because it’s such an easy treatment with no need of going under the knife,” says Sibthorpe. “Dermal fillers smooth bumps, depressed bridges, beak-like noses and droopy tips, all without the need for surgery, which is why I think it’s become so popular. It’s accessible, straightforward and is minimal to no pain whatsoever.”
How long will the results last?“
Yes, it varies case by case, but you’ll see the results stay put for twelve to eighteen months, often more in some cases,” says Sibthorpe. “You can return to clinic whenever you feel you need it topped-up or re-looked at again.”
This article first appeared in Sheerluxe